The technical content of your site, whether it is a safety information, user manual or other technical document, will be more useful, more reliable, and more understandable when translated into the language of the end user.

Here are three reasons for localizin

g your website:

1. Localization drives sales growth
According to research by Common Sense Advisory, 72.4 percent of consumers say they are more likely to purchase a product if it is reported in their own language.

Therefore, if advertising materials are written in the language of potential customers, the likelihood that they will purchase your product increases. This is why global manufacturers such as John Deere translate their content into over twenty languages. As former German Chancellor Willy Brandt said, “If I sell something to you, I have to speak your language. If I buy, dann müssen Sie Deutsch sprechen [You must speak German]. ”

2. Localization promotes better understanding
Localization not only provides sales growth, it allows you to establish a dialogue with the end user. Localized documentation is a guarantee of safe and efficient use of products. It is a significant factor that plays an important role in shaping customer satisfaction. In addition, when guides and how-tos are available online, localized content becomes the focus of consumer attention around the world. Therefore, it is worth worrying about the quality of the translation.

3. Localization complies with EU requirements
Manufacturers who sell and advertise their products in EU countries must provide information about their products in the official language of the respective country. To do business in the EU, you must comply with international directives and regulations. If you sell your products all over the world, this is your world.

These are three reasons why your company should localize its products. You can get even more arguments, opinions and information about localization at the World Conference on Localization, which will take place in October this year.

In “Web Content Localization – Race to the Floor?” renowned web content specialist Jerry McGovern gave an excellent characterization of low-quality content: “Cheap, poorly written, badly translated content has been circulating through sewers its entire life. But it never rinses off. It just stains your reputation and your brand. ”